Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday

Throughout this season of the church year known as Lent, I'll be posting devotions from an organization called Lutheran Hour Ministries.  If for some reason I don't get the devotion uploaded, go to this site -

"Shining in the DarknessAsh Wednesday"
By Rev. Wayne Palmer

March 09, 2011

Read John 1:1-18.TEXT: "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it" (John 1:5).

Our Lenten season begins in the darkness of winter and by the end of our nearly seven week journey the darkness will have given way to the light of spring. This battle between darkness and light is the theme of the Gospel of John, and it will be the theme of these Lenten devotions.

Chapter 1 begins with the Christmas story; John tells us the Word of God became human and entered our world. But immediately John hints at the struggles our Savior will face: "The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." In the coming weeks we will see Satan, the prince of darkness, use many instruments in his efforts to snuff out the Light: fanatical crowds, treacherous enemies, a disciple's kiss, a high priest's oath, a Roman official's fear, a whip, thorns, nails, a dead tree and a huge stone.

All of us struggle with the power of darkness in our lives, the darkness of fear, doubt, dread and anxiety. We see it in our health problems, financial struggles and our strained relationships. We see it in the darkness of our own struggles within.

On this Ash Wednesday the Holy Spirit calls you to gather with His people in church where He will shine His glorious light into the darkest corners of our sin-filled hearts and minds. The ashes of Ash Wednesday remind us of the death that darkness has brought to all. But it also reminds us our Savior took our death upon Himself, giving us His life and forgiveness.

Join us as we journey through the Gospel of John, watching the Light battle and overcome the darkness for us.

THE PRAYER: Light of the world, shine in my heart and bring me peace. Amen.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Never grow weary!

Have you ever just been too tired to even care anymore?  Perhaps it's the fault of that person who just seemed to suck the life right out of you.  Perhaps it's the multitude of needs present in our world and you just don't think that you can make any difference at all.  Perhaps you're just tired. 

Whatever the reason, I think it's important that we hear these words from Galatians 6 - let us not become weary of doing good. Paul knows that all people are just naturally going to get tired of helping people.  Eventually those people that we try to help are going to get on our last nerve and they'll become a burden.  They'll be just another thing that we have to do, and we'll lose our passion for helping them.  It's actually pretty normal. 

Now, I've never embedded a youtube video into a blog before so I hope that this works.  If not, go to and search for Team Hoyt I can only imagine.  Watch it then come back...
 So I didn't mean to bring in a tear jerker on a Friday morning but the video is pretty cool.  Paul tells us to never grow weary.  That means that we should be willing to go the distance with someone.  The problem with many of us when we serve is that we spread ourselves too thin.  We try to serve everyone - all at the same time.  That's just not possible.  We'll just wear ourselves too thin and lose all desire to serve after a relatively short time. 

Today I want to encourage you to serve just one person.  This is going to mean that you'll have to most likely tell others No, but it's going to be worth it in the long run.  Find that one person and go the distance with them.  Be the one who walks alongside them and really believes in God's power in them.  Don't grow weary.  Go the distance. 

Lord, I want to get better at serving those around me, but I often get tired. Thank you for not growing weary of my inabilities.  Thank you for going the distance for me.  Give me the strength and courage to go the distance in my serving of those around me.  Amen. 

If you're interested in more on this idea of serving just ONE, join us in worship this Sunday morning at Living Truth Church or check out the message next week on our downloads page.