Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What do you use keys for?

This morning I just sat and listened as two men had a conversation.  The first man asked what other people thought of him.  He asked questions about his identity - who am I in your eyes? 

The second man spouted off some pretty important names that he had heard from other people.  These were some high powered folks!  I was impressed to say the least. 

Then the questions turned.  Instead of asking what others thought of him, the first man asked what his friend thought of him.  Wow - talk about putting someone on the spot!  I was taught to never put someone on the spot like this because it might backfire or they might just run away from the church.  But still the question was asked.  It was like a gauntlet was thrown down.  Who do you say that I am? 

Now this exchange didn't happen in my living room or office but it happened between Jesus and Peter, in my kitchen if you must know.  Peter's response was pretty powerful - You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.  But did he believe it?  I mean is that really who Peter says that Jesus is?  If we were to read on in Matthew 16, we'd hear Peter telling Jesus that he didn't know what he was talking about.  But still, Peter's initial response is exactly what Jesus wanted to hear.  Jesus told Peter that this truth, that he was the son of God, was like a set of keys that could unlock heaven. 

This is always a risky thing to compare Jesus to anything earthly, but since Jesus did it I guess we're in good company.  I have to wonder if we were asked the same question how we would respond.  Jesus didn't ask who do you think I am.  He didn't say when it's safe who do you say that I am.  Rather he says who do you make a habit of saying that I am.  How would you answer that one?  Who do you say that Jesus is?  Who do you say he is when you're at church?  Who do you say he is when you're at work?  Who do you say he is when you're out with friends?  Who do you say he is when everything is going wrong? Who do you say he is when you stub your toe on the bedpost in the middle of the night? 

I'm not sure Jesus really was concerned with the "in the moment" answer of Peter as much as he was with the way that confession made its way into Peter's everyday life.  And he's just as interested in how our lives confess who he is as well. 

If we claim the same confession, that Jesus is the son of God, with both our mouths and our actions then we too possess the power to unlock the kingdom of heaven for those around us.  When heaven has been unlocked for us by a knowledge of who Jesus is, we are given the ability to unlock that same gift for others where we live, work, and play. 

Our prayer this morning is that God would open our hearts to believe with our words and our actions that Jesus is Lord - Dear Lord, today we need your power to fill us so that we can follow where you lead, trusting that you have everything in control for us.  Help us to use the keys that you've given us to open heaven for our friends and neighbors as we share the wonders of your love.  Amen. 

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