Right before and after this verse are accounts of how Jesus is getting lit up by the Pharisees. They're scared that he's gaining a following too fast. They want to stop him and quick. Jesus heals a man of his blind, mute condition - only to be met by their accusations and frustrations. They even plan to kill him because of these great things he's doing.
But Jesus never retaliates. He doesn't get angry. He doesn't lash out. He just overflows!

Jesus offers another solution however. He says that what you put into your heart will allow it to overflow through your mouth. The mouth is like the relief valve to the heart. When the heart is hurting and filled with sadness, the mouth overflows with tears, crying, and a mopey sadness. When the heart is is filled with anger and stress, the mouth blows out that steam by burning anyone that gets in the way. But when the heart is filled with love, forgiveness, and the mercy/grace of God, then the mouth will gently forgive, lovingly serve, and mercifully look past the wrongs of others to show them grace.
Today, let's focus not so much on what goes out as we do on what goes in, because Jesus promises that when he goes in - the stuff that he teaches comes out. Part of being a disciple is learning what is of Jesus and what is of the world. Let's get our fill today. Let's spill a little bit of Jesus on our friends and co-workers and maybe, just maybe, they'll get a little Jesus on them.
Lord, today we need you to fill us. Amen.
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