So if Snickers don’t satisfy, then what does? According to Jesus, when we eat of the bread of life we will be satisfied. We will have our fill. We will be able to appease our appetite and have the strength to go through the day. But what is the bread of life?
Honestly the bread of life is something that we don’t have to chew and swallow. It’s something that we do ingest however. The bread of life is the very word and promise of God. As we eat of the word of God, we are satisfied – not because we have everything we want but because we are content with what we have. Jesus is teaching us in these verses to hunger for the right things. He wants us to hunger for him. Jesus calls us to fill ourselves with the things that are of him, not the things that are of this world.
We can mask our hunger with a million different things, but it is only when we hunger and thirst for the grace of God, for a deeper faith in his promises, for a hope that is built on nothing less than Jesus – then, and only then, will we know what it means to be satisfied.
May we be satisfied today. May we have everything we need. May we have nothing that will distract us from following Christ. Lord give us our daily bread. Help us hunger and thirst for your word. We want to be satisfied with your promises. Amen
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