Monday, November 15, 2010

Don't be silent!

For we cannot help speaking about what we have heard and seen.  Acts 4:20

Peter and his crew were facing some pretty rough times.  They had just healed a man in Jesus' name and were arrested for it.  The scene was pretty hot!  They were being told to say nothing about Jesus anymore.  The leaders and rulers were afraid that these men were gathering too strong of a following.  People were talking about what they did.  The rulers had to put a stop to this, so they ordered them to stop preaching Jesus. 

Peter knew that was not possible so he says the words found above.  He admits that there is no possible way for them to keep quiet.  They've seen too much.  They've heard too many of the accounts of Jesus' life and the lives that he's impacted.  It's just not possible for them to sit quietly any longer! 

This week is pray for the internationally persecuted church week. Long name just means to pray for the church around the world that is being persecuted, but I'm not sure my prayer today is going to sit well with a lot of people.  I believe Jesus warns us that we should be ready for persecution.  I believe that we're supposed to plan on it happening.  We're supposed to work on our reaction to the persecution that we'll certainly face.  We must prepare ourselves to not be silenced by persecution.  Much like Jesus in the face of his beating and crucifixion and Peter in the face of his many trials - we too must remain faithful to the task of proclaiming Jesus' resurrection everywhere we go! 

For we've seen too many examples of God's grace and mercy.  We've heard and read too many of the accounts of who are God is to keep quiet any longer.  We must shout it from the mountain tops.  We must not be silenced!  Since I mentioned it before, we'll conclude this morning with a prayer for the persecuted church...

Lord, thank you for the persecution that you allow your church to go through.  Thank you for allowing us to see the struggles we face and the trials that we meet.  Lord it's such a blessing to know that in the face of these trials - you are much bigger.  It's wonderful to know that you promise to bless us in the midst of persecution and trial.  Lord thank you for persecution and keep us strong and steadfast in the midst of it.  AMEN. 

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