Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A worthwhile sacrifice

So why is it that God liked Abel's sacrifice and not Cain's?  It's simple - Abel gave his best.  Many people have been hung up on this passage for quite some time.  They wonder what Cain did to deserve the treatment that he received.  Others are a bit curious if their "sacrifices" are more like Cain or  Abel's. 

That's where I want to look today - what sacrifice is the right sacrifice?  In today's church in America we don't offer animals and fruit as sacrifices so what is an acceptable sacrifice to God? 

This probably isn't the best question to ask to be honest with you, because there is not best sacrifice to offer.  The best sacrifice is already offered - it's the very life of Jesus given/sacrificed for you and for me.  But that's the starting point that we must focus on.  Our sacrifices today are not the same as Cain and Abel's.  They sacrificed to earn something.  They sacrificed to cover their sins and make payment for their wrongs, but that's not necessary for us anymore.  We don't offer sacrifices to get into God's good graces.  We offer sacrifices because God has brought us to him and paid our debts for us.

The greatest sacrifice was already made for us.  Now our lives of sacrifice are about response and action.  Our sacrifices today whether of our time, finances, or even our mental energy should all be a response to the wonders of the good news that Jesus paid our debts for us.  He earned our way into heaven.  He took all of our stuff on him and got rid of it.  Now we can live in the sure and certain hope of life with him.  Our sacrifices are acceptable when they are responses to God's goodness.  When they are filled with praise for all that God has done.  Our sacrifices are acceptable not because of what they are or where they are offered but because of what's in our hearts. 

Today I pray that you find time to sacrifice something to God.  Not because I said to, perhaps it was the time you spent reading this.  Sacrifice with joy in your heart.  Give it up because Jesus gave it all up for you. 

Lord help me today as I find ways to sacrifice to you of my time, energy, and stuff so that you remain central in my life. Amen.

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