Monday, April 25, 2011

I want it all!

I've had those days when it seems like everything I see someone else have - I instantly want for myself.  Not want in the "I'll just take it" way but want in a way that makes me less content with my own status in life. Honestly, there's always something out there that we want.  There's a new gadget.  An upgraded improved something...a better thing.  I personally don't believe that it's bad to have wants.  I do however believe that the problem comes from what we do with those wants. 

While reading from 1 Corinthians 4 this morning, this line caught my attention - Already you have all you want.  Already you have become rich! 

For real?  I've already got it all?  It sure doesn't feel like it sometimes.  It feels like I've got nothing sometimes.  It feels like I have so many wants that I can't stand it.  But the question for me today is what drives you...

I know that when I'm driven by my wants I'll never be satisfied, but when I'm driven by my calling as a husband, father, pastor, son, brother - I know that I'm fully equipped for what God has in store for me.  It doesn't mean that life is easy or even always great.  It simply means that I have everything and it's all been given to me by God. 

Take some time today to think of the many things you've got in your life.  Think about your job, your cars, house, tv, computer, phone, bed, and many other possessions - they are blessings from God.  Thank him for them today.  Give thanks to God for the blessings that HE has poured into your life today.  Rejoice in this Easter Monday that everything is in reach for you.  There is absolutely nothing that God can't do in and through you.  So today rise up and sing God's praises. 

Lord we need help being content.  Please give us that spirit of contentment today as we seek to serve you.  Amen.

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