Thursday, August 19, 2010

Respond or React?

I've started thinking of something a little differently lately - the difference between responding and reacting.  There may seem to be a minor difference but I believe that there can be an enormously different outcome between the two.  I think this can be seen best in Jesus' response to his crucifixion in Luke 23:34, where Jesus says, Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. 

It would have been easy for Jesus to react.  He could have gotten all upset and called down the angels and tore the people apart.  He could have made it rain down fire and hail and cause everyone to regret the actions they were taking against him.  But he didn't! 

Instead he responded.  A response is gentle and well thought out, while a reaction is hasty and doesn't have the other person's best interests at heart.  Jesus responded to the crowds calls for his death, to their mockery, to the pain, to the anguish, to the ridicule with a simple and well thought out response - prayer! 

How much different would our lives be if we responded instead of reacted!  If you're human, then you've probably let your temper get the best of you and you've reacted to a situation in a very unhealthy manner.  But rest assured - Jesus response to you is the same as it was to the men and women of his day - Forgive them for they don't know what they're doing!

It was his death that won our forgiveness.  It was the very event that he was suffering from in that moment that bought our forgiveness.  It was his resurrection that guaranteed us our place in heaven.  Jesus' death and resurrection then were meant to bring us back into a healthy relationship with God the Father.  Jesus loves strong relationships.  He strives to keep us in healthy and vibrant relationships.  When we react - we are not focusing on the relationship or the person but we're focus on the situation.  But when we respond, we are seeing the other person as a child of God - someone for whom Jesus pleaded while on the cross - Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.  

May you know the Father's love for you today.  May you hear Jesus' cry for you and know of his well thought out response your brokenness.  May you feel the embrace of their Holy Spirit welcoming you back into a healthy and life-giving relationship with them.  Lord today we need your help living in peace with those around us.  AMEN. 

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