Monday, August 30, 2010

The right questions...

One of the most challenging things to learn how to do is to ask the right questions.  At least that's my challenge.  I've never been really good at finding just the right thought provoking words to invoke a good discussion, but man Jesus hits the nail on the head!  This morning I spent some time with John (5) and found this really great question: Do you want to get well?

At first glance, this appears to be a pretty stupid question from the Lord.  I mean really, you're asking a man who has been suffering from some kind of deformity for years if he wants to get better.  Of course the answer will be yes.  Seriously, this was his life - get up, have someone get him ready, have someone take him to sit beside the pool, wait for the water to bubble, hope someone would pick him up in time to get him in the water to be healed, never was able to get in the pool in time, then rely on someone to help him back to his home at the end of the day so he could do it all over again tomorrow.  Now that doesn't seem like much of a life to me.  Of course the man wants to be well - what was Jesus up to here?  

Jesus has the power to speak the words and this man's entire life will be flipped upside down!  He won't have to sit on his mat all day long and won't have to rely on people to get him where he needs to go.  He'll be able to take care of himself.  He'll be able to shower himself, get himself dressed, and fix his own meals.  He won't be able to stay home all day like he does now, he'll most likely have to get some sort of job to pay for his stuff.  Jesus knows that getting well means a HUGE change for this man, and wants to make sure he's ready before he does it.  So he asks, Do you want to get well?  

I truly wonder how often he asks us that same question.  How often have we asked God to fix a problem we have or take away some ailment we're suffering from only to not have the prayer answered the way we were hoping for?  It's frustrating!  I believe that Jesus asks us that same question today - do you want to get well?  

The bible tells us that we are to not conform to the ways of this world but through the renewing of our minds we are to be transformed to the likeness of Christ.  Transformation is not for sissies!  Transformation is being made well from the inside - out!  As we renew our minds to the things of God we'll better be able to answer these hard questions of God -  do you want to get well?  When it comes to our forgiveness, Jesus is asking the same question - do  you want to get well?  When we confess our sins before God we're telling him that we seek to live differently than the way we are currently living.  Jesus offers forgiveness freely and fully because of his death and resurrection.  Making us well is what Jesus is all about!  He has no problem healing our illnesses, fixing our problems, forgiving our sins - the challenge is do we really want the new life that lies on the other side?  Are you truly ready to live the new lifestyle that God has in store for you?  If the answer is no - seek the renewal of your mind as you spend more time with God finding out what this whole new life is about.  Read his word regularly to see and hear what forgiveness and healing in Christ look like.  Be in worship and bible study to be challenged by others and to have your faith deepen in ways you never thought possible. 

Then you'll be able to answer the question - do you want to get well?  

Lord - we don't even know what we want sometimes.  That's frustrating!  Guide us in your paths.  Show us what being well looks like. Give us the courage to live with our frailties until we're ready to be well.  In Jesus' name.  AMEN. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Pastor Derrick! I really needed those words this morning - Have a blessed day!
