Friday, August 27, 2010

Sow or Reap?

Have you ever wished that Jesus didn't use so many farming analogies?  Are you one of those people who do not have a green thumb?  Are you the type that every time you touch something that's green and alive somehow it mysteriously dies?  Well, today's reading was from John 4 and in this section Jesus talks about gardening a bit - but don't go anywhere!  This is an important word to hear. 

There are some more glorious parts of farming/gardening than others.  Personally, I love the digging and getting dirty part, but that's not very glorious.  Probably the most rewarding aspect of the task comes at harvest time, when you get to see all of the fruits of your labor.  You can see and touch the things that you've worked so hard to achieve.  The hours of tilling, planting, watering, and waiting - and now the harvest!  Oh the joy! 

Jesus uses this image when he's talking with his disciples. He tells them, "One sows and another reaps."  Admittedly Jesus isn't talking about planting a fruit tree or a row of corn; he's referring to planting the seeds of his word in the lives of the people we know.  It's an interesting concept.  In this process of faith sharing, we have the same tendency as in planting - we want to have the glorious job of bringing in the harvest!  We want to convert, change, cash in, transform, bring to faith, see in church, and any other phrase you so choose.  This is not the point!  Jesus reminds us here that when the harvest is ready - someone will be there to bring it in.

There are many steps along the way.  As believers we need to be careful not to push too hard or we could kill the seeds of faith that were planted.  We say some pretty stupid things to people sometimes, like - you just have to come to church.  Well that's like telling a row of corn that it just has to come to the grain tower with you!  That's ridiculous! 

Jesus tells us that some sow.  That means your task might simply be to sow.  Your purpose in the other person's faith life might simply be to share your personal faith with them, answering questions like: when did I realize that Jesus is who he said he is, when did Jesus become more than a character in a story, how has Jesus answered my prayers, and the list can go on and on.  The task of sowing is to show another person, someone you know and have a relationship with, how the message of the good news of Jesus' death and resurrection has meant something to you and has changed you. 

But after the crops are sown we pray.  That's all there is to it.  We can't make it grow. We can't make it rain. We can't do anything but wait!  We pray for the seed that was planted and for the person we shared our faith with.  We pray for nothing more or less than that God would go with them and begin to grow in them.  Then the harvest comes, sometimes sooner and sometimes later - way later.  The disciples were told that just because you sow doesn't mean you will reap!  How cool is that! 

We're not in this alone!  We don't have to have all the answers!  We don't have to make a seed grow!  We just have to share something about how we met God somewhere in life and then let his Spirit do the rest.  Then we just "be there" when they get it!  Just be there when they see and realize that Jesus is their savior too! 

Lord be with us today as we meet many people. Give us the courage to plant seeds of faith today.  Give us the ability to wait for the seeds to grow.  Make us ever ready to catch those who are seeking to know more about you and your word.  AMEN.

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