Monday, May 2, 2011

Grace...what is it?

This week we focus on the grace of God.  All week at Living Truth here in Marysville, we're looking at the grace of God.  As a matter of fact, I left everyone with an assignment after church yesterday.  The assignment was to simply look for times that you have received something good that you didn't deserve. 

You see that's the definition that we're using for grace - getting the good we don't deserve. It's pretty simple actually.  All we have to do is look around us at every turn and we'll see ways that we've been graced without our even realizing it. 

The bible verse that we used yesterday in church is such a great reminder of the fact that grace is given not earned.  Paul says in Romans 5 while we were still sinners Christ died for us.  That's crazy!  That's totally undeserved and it's not something we could even ask for.  That's what makes it grace.  If we could dream it up or ask for it or want it or do something to get it then it's not really grace. 

Grace is totally and completely someone else's work on your behalf.  Very simply grace is given not earned.  That was our big truth yesterday.  Take that phrase and write it down somewhere.  Remember that phrase this week and you'll be amazed at how big our God really is. 

Here's the assignment...just take a piece of paper and a pen and all throughout the week jot down times when you've received something that you didn't deserve.  Write down the ways that you've been "graced" this week.  Then if you're able, bring that paper with you to church next Sunday to Living Truth and we'll do something with it.  I'm not telling you to share this grace with anyone.  I don't want you to even worry about telling other people about it.  Just live in it.  You can't give away what you don't know for yourself, so get to know his grace to you this week. 

Lord we know that there are so many blessings around us everyday that we just overlook.  Help us to see these things today.  Help us to know the blessings that you have graced us with each and every day.  Amen.

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