Thursday, May 12, 2011

Whether you believe you can or can't either way you're right!

This famous line is by Henry Ford.  I love that statement because so often we end up sitting in the death trap of our own doubt.  Doubt is scary monster that we should all run from.  When we live in a state of doubt, our doubt will most certainly capture us and hold us ransom. 

The bible says that all things are possible through Christ who strengthens us. This means that there's nothing that you and I can't do with the power of God in us. We also believe and teach that God lives in us from the time of belief, or baptism which ever comes first.

As an illustration for this idea, I love to look at Peter as he was cruising across the water toward Jesus.  The story doesn't indicate how far out he got or how long he'd been walking, just that he saw the wind and the wave and sank like a rock!  Peter believed that he could walk on water simply because Jesus called him to come toward him.  Peter believed that no matter what his lord called him to do, he would be able to do it.  And honestly he was right!  Peter jumped out of that boat and I would venture to guess he started strolling toward Jesus like he'd been walking on water all the time. 

But something quickly changed - he began to dip into his reasoning and realized how crazy this water walking thing really was.  As soon as he quit believing that he could walk on water, he sank.  He didn't stop believing in Jesus, because Jesus was still walking on the water.  He stopped believing that he could do what he set out to do and instant failure snatched him up and dragged him down. 

We are all a bit like someone in this story. Either we step out in faith and start journey toward Jesus, like Peter started out doing, or we begin to doubt God's power in us and we immediately start treading water and sinking.  Or we could simply be like the other eleven in the boat, who were so comfortable with the status and position that they left the hard job to someone else. 

Whoever you are in this story, it's not hard to be like the first Peter and start walking toward Jesus.  It's not hard to simply believe that Jesus has given you the power to do what he has put before you and then simply to trust it and run!  Today take something and really trust God to be there.  Lean into him like you've never leaned into him before - and I promise, if it's the thing God has called you to do you'll be walking on water in no time! 

Lord give us the courage to do you will no matter what our reasoning tells us.  Amen.

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