Monday, May 9, 2011

What is faith?

Honestly - faith isn't really something that's hard to come by in our world.  People practice the basics of faith every day.  You get in a car and you exercise faith that the wide pedal on the left (or middle for you manual drivers) will stop you.  You put faith in that chair you're sitting in to read this.  Granted it's easy to have faith in something that you've seen work a million times or more.  It's easy to live by the philosophy that seeing is believing. 

But I'm inclinced to think of faith a little differntly.  Today you are at a monumental point in your life.  You are at a point when your life collides with the truth of Jesus' resurrection and the amazing grace of God given to you.  When these three roads collide, I believe that point is called radical faith

Any monkey can have faith, but it takes a follower of God to have radical faith.  Radical faith is leaning into God.  Even when you can't see him, lean.  Even when it seems as if he's gone and left you all alone - just keep leaning!  Never stop leaning into God. 

You see, what happens when you lean into God is simple.  You begin to see him.  You see him because you believe and trust that he's there.  Seeing isn't always believing, but truly believing is seeing.  That's what the writer of the book of Hebrews was getting at when he wrote - faith is being sure of what is hoped for and certain of what is yet unseen. 

When you can see what's not physically there, chances are, you've been leaning into God.  When challenges arise, lean into God.  When everything's going right, lean into God.  When you have needs, lean into God.  No matter where you are or what's going on in your life, lean into God.  He'll never let you down!  He will let you slip and sometimes get skinned up a bit, but he'll never leave you all alone. 

Lord help us to live with radical faith today. Help us lean into you today! Amen.

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