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Natalie at 9 months |
In our reading today from Luke 18, Jesus says that we need to be more like these little ones - who simply believe that he's not out to harm them but rather out to build them up and save them. We need to exercise faith like a child! When's the last time you asked yourself, What's God up to? or perhaps, Why is he allowing this to happen to me? We all do this from time to time - expect that God will treat us better or assume that because the world sees it as bad, that it's really bad. Jesus doesn't give as the world gives. Jesus doesn't give what the world gives.
He gives us grace, forgiveness, hope, mercy, love, and new life! These are his promised blessings to us. Nothing can make God love you any less than he does today! He loved you enough to give up his own son to die for you. What an amazing thing! Now you don't do anything to earn it. You'll never deserve it. It's just yours. Just receive it, like Natalie received the glass of water. Receive it knowing that it is yours and that it's there for your good. When rough times hit, and they will, remember the wonderful gifts of God and receive them all as teaching moments when God is forming you to be the person that he has called you to be.
God is calling you to live like a child today! Cut loose and trust in God above all else! He's right here with you every step of the way! Thanks daddy! We love you!
Father God, we are clay in your hands - mold us and form us into the people that you've called us to be. Give us hearts that trust what you say and lives that live what you teach. AMEN.
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