Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hearts for Jesus.

So this morning started just like every other morning.  I got up, made the coffee, grabbed a homemade oatmeal muffin and headed for my office.  But as I began to read my section of Scripture this morning I felt eerily as if God was trying to tell me something.  I make it a practice to pick one verse out of my daily reading to focus on and I really felt drawn to this passage - For where your treasure is there your heart will be also.  Luke 12:34 NIV.

This chapter (12) of Luke's gospel account is full of Jesus' teachings on worshiping the Messiah instead of the Material.  I never realized that materialism was such a large problem for the people of Jesus' day, but it must have been!  He spends some considerable time discussing the righting of our priorities.  But what was God trying to teach me?  That was the question that I was trying to get at through my study this morning. 

I honestly believe that God was showing me how much he has actually given me.  We have a house, cars, furnishings for our house and so much more than we actually need. But Jesus says to not let that stuff get in the way of worshiping him, as a matter of fact I felt God challenging me this morning to use the blessings that he has given me to worship him. 

My thoughts to ponder for the day include these: Do I worship God with the stuff he's given me?  How do I do it?  How can I be better at living my life as an offering of worship to God in response for what he's given me?

Now here's the challenge - find a way to increase your weekly worship of God by using the material things in your life as reminders of the goodness and gracefulness of God.  Find a person in your life this week who needs some help and use these gifts from God to help them see and worship Jesus as their Savior.  Then share with us here how you did it so we can worship right alongside you! 

Gracious God, today we want to be more generous with the gifts you've given us.  AMEN

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