Thursday, July 8, 2010

How's your dirt?

I've often wondered if we really understand Jesus' parable of the sower properly. Jesus talks about different kinds of soil and how they react to the seeds that are attempted to be sown in them. You can find the whole parable in Mark 4:1-20. Check out and choose the version you prefer to read from. 

But what about the soil?  I've been a pastor for over 8 years now and I never cease to be amazed by the complaints I hear from people about "not getting anything out of pastor's sermon today."  It's almost hysterical to listen to the excuses we make for the reasons the message didn't sink in.  But do any of those excuses really hold water?  I'd be inclined to say that very little of them actually do!  More often than not the excuses we give for not receiving the message are pushed on the preacher and we keep very little blame for ourselves.  Now admittedly preachers are not perfect!  But the message isn't strictly dependent on the preacher it's more dependent on the receiver.  Let me explain. 

Jesus says that there are different types of soil and each type of soil receives the seed differently.  He then goes on to explain that the seed is the word of God and that the soil is the heart of the receiver.  If we carry this to the conclusion that means that we have some work to do in our hearts before we can fully receive the things God offers us freely in his word.  We come into worship and bible study full of distractions and worries these are the weeds that choke the message from taking hold.  Sometimes we are so beat down by the world and its problems that the seed doesn't even have a chance to sink into our hearts. 

Now the preacher owns the responsibility for preaching the word in all of its truth and purity.  He has the duty of staying true to the message as it's found in the word of God.  But when we as hearers own the responsibility for the condition of our hearts we'll be better able to hear with our ears and our hearts. 

  • What do you do to keep your soil healthy?  
  • What are some things that you do to prevent your soil from being packed down? 
  • How can we work together to maintain a healthy soil system in our lives so that the seeds of God's word might continue to grow and flourish?  
God you are a God of love and life.  You promise to go wherever your Word is sown.  We ask you to continue to hold true to that promise.  Help us to clear the clutter and remove the distractions that your word might take root deep in our hearts and grow to a passionate and enthusiastic faith.  Set us on your path today Lord!  AMEN.

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