Thursday, July 29, 2010

Too Big!

Today's readings are from: Luke 17, 1 Timothy 2, and 2 Chronicles 6-7.  And our focus today is from 2 Chronicles 6:18 - The heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain you.  How much less this temple I have built!

What a thing to realize!  Solomon just finished building this huge and very elaborate temple so that the presence of God might dwell there.  But then a strange turn happens.  Here Solomon acknowledges that this temple, no matter how big it might be could never contain all of God's glory.  Not only that - nothing in all of creation could contain him either!  If the heavens (also read as skies) can't contain God then surely nothing made by the hands of men and women will be able to contain him. 

I wish that we could learn and really remember this lesson on a regular basis.  Many of us know that God is big.  Most of us would acknowledge that we can't keep God in a box or anything like that, but we still try!  We do this when we strip parts of his teaching away, remove him from certain parts of our lives, and don't let him into the dark places of our day to day living.  It's way too easy for us to treat God's word like a buffet - only taking from it what we want and leaving the rest.  The things that give us indigestion we leave for someone else, but we need to take all of it in. 

That's how big God is!  You can't separate one part of his character from the rest of him.  It's an all or nothing kind of deal.  True enough, God promises to be wherever two or more are gathered in his name; but he's also wherever you are - at any time!  You can't go far enough or fast enough to get away from God!  He'll always be right where you are headed, waiting for you.  He'll always be right beside you - making the journey less lonely, if only we would open our eyes and see him right there!  He'll always be behind you - ready to catch you when you get caught up in sin.  He'll always be above you - raining down his blessings on you at every turn!  And he'll always be beneath you - supporting you and holding you up as you keep his word your foundation. 

Today we move forward expectant of God's peace.  We go into our day or night ready to be touched by the presence of God! 

Lord - we need to see you today!  We long to know of your presence.  Show us how big you are today!  Show us how truly all encompassing your love and mercy are in our lives today.  We need to see you today!  AMEN. 

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