Friday, September 3, 2010

Do you believe? I mean do you really believe?!?!

We talk all the time about faith and what that means, but do we really have it?  The author to the Hebrews says that faith is being sure of what is hoped for and certain of what we do not see.  I think that's some pretty powerful stuff.  A few days ago I talked about confidence, now this description of faith - I wonder what God's trying to tell me? 

So often we speak the words I believe, but do we really mean it?  Do we really believe that Jesus died and rose?  Do we really believe that we goes with us everywhere we go?  Do we really believe that he's coming back again?  Do we really believe that we're forgiven, that our wrongs are completely gone, that Jesus paid our debts in full? 

If the answer is yes, then I wonder why we don't live like it more.  It seems easy to say the words I believe, but to actually live it out is a whole other story!  Here God's word reminds us that if we believe, if we have faith, then we'll be certain and sure of what we can't see.  Wow! Certain.  That means no question at all in our minds.  It means that we'll most definitely be affected in some way.  Our faith will become evident through our words, actions, and even our attitudes. 

Is this you?  Do you have this kind of faith - the faith that is certain and sure?  Jesus did die to pay for your sins.  He did rise to give you free entrance into heaven.  And he is coming back to gather you by his side and welcome you to his family.  Now our challenge is to let that positively affect how we live today.  Go through today with a constant reminder that Jesus is by your side.  Live today with the sure and certain hope that all is not lost.  Know today that God is bigger than anything you're going through and that he'll never leave you.  Live this new life starting right here and right now!  Be changed not by your circumstance but by the absolute certainty that Jesus is your savior!  Heaven is your home!  You have been saved from this life of woes for a life filled with worship and praise! 

Lord - give me the sure and certain attitudes to match my faith.  Help me to live out my faith in all I do today.  AMEN.

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