Tuesday, September 14, 2010

In all things God works...

Do you really believe that statement above?  I mean do you really believe that God is at work right now in the terrible things you're facing?  I've got to be honest - the past few days, I think I forgot that.  I knew it.  I preached it.  I told that to others.  But somehow or another I forgot it until this morning that is. 

In my quiet time with God this morning I was led to John 11.  And these words really stuck out to me: No it is for God's glory that God's Son may be glorified through it.  Jesus speaks these words to his disciples in response to the news that Jesus' good friend has died.  Sure Jesus was sad by his death, after all he cries over the news.  But Jesus was able to look past the doom and gloom to the assurance that God has something great in store through this. 

Wouldn't that be nice!  Wouldn't it be awesome to be able to be going through the crappy things of life only to see the hand of God moving more prominently in your life!  I pray for this ability.  Jesus takes a situation that has caused this family and many of their friends to stop dead in their tracks, and he turns it into a way to rejoice and honor God.  The people are moping around and not giving God the time of day, but Jesus knows that it is God alone who can turn our darkness into light.  God alone can turn our mourning into rejoicing.  God alone can take our weaknesses and show his power for us. 

I wonder what terrifying situation are you living with right now?  What thing has happened to take your eyes off of Jesus?  I know that churches and Christians are not immune from this type of reaction.  Often churches will lose focus of Christ when unexpected things happen: pastor takes another call, natural disaster destroys the building, and even when the budget takes a major hit.  In this economy, the latter is a pretty common occurrence.  But Jesus reminds us that this is for God's glory too.  All of the struggles and all of the hard times that we face will bring God glory when we stay faithful to him through them. 

Take time today to rejoice in the midst of the pain and uncertainty.  Don't rejoice for the pain, because that's just ridiculous, but rejoice through it!  Don't lose focus of the things that God would have you see.  Don't turn a deaf ear to the promises of God, because there is no time like the present to dive head first into his word that you might rest securely in his promises. 

Lord thank you for adversity.  We thank you for challenges and struggles because they allow us to see you more clearly.  We want to see you again Lord.  We've turned our faces away from  you and taken our eyes off of you.  Now we cry out to you asking you to recognize us and renew us by your Spirit.  Amen. 

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