Thursday, September 2, 2010

Now that's bold!

I've always been one for getting to the point.  I've been called bold and even abrasive at times.  But this morning I think Jesus was even more bold than I'll ever be!  In John 8 Jesus makes probably one of the boldest statements that I can even think of.  He calls himself I am.

To some that may not sound all that bold.  Actually it might not even make a lot of sense to many of us, but let me explain for a moment.  Jesus is in a bit of a squabble with the pharisees and other officials in the church.  They were trying to trap him in some sort of misquote or slip of the tongue.  The overall argument is about who he is and what authority he has to do and say what he's doing and saying. 

Well, Jesus ends the chapter by telling the hearers that (a) they don't understand this because they don't know God and (b) before Abraham was I am!  The last part here is the doozie!  In the old testament there is a name for God in the Hebrew language that many of us simply pass over dozens of times and don't even realize it.  It's the name "I AM."  Actually it's the name LORD in the old testament.  The very name of God in the old testament is a form of the verb to be.  This means that there never was a time when God wasn't and there will never be a time when God isn't.  Pretty cool stuff, and what's more - the Jews believed that whole-heartedly.  The problem lied in the fact that they didn't believe that Jesus was part of that promise! 

When Jesus claimed to be the I am, he was signing his own death wish.  He knew that they had an issue with this.  He knew that it would ultimately mean that they would capture him and kill him, but he wasn't about to lie.  The authority to do what he was doing simply rested in the fact that he is the son of God and nothing can change that fact! 

So what's it mean for you and me today?  It means that God still is.  He still is right here with us.  He still is walking with you in all that you go through, still talking with you through his word and in worship, and he's still with you surrounding you with the forgiveness and promise of eternal life.  It means that there's nothing too big for him to handle - so unload your burden on him today.  It means that there is nothing that he can't handle - so let him handle it! 

Today you're going to be tempted to live your life like you've always lived, but remember this promise of Jesus - I am.  Remember that Jesus is with you when life seems hopeless.  He is with you can't see any sign of help.  He is with you and he did die for you.  He also rose to guarantee you that there is a place set aside for you in heaven. What a joy we get to live in today!  Live with God!  May this truth of your ever present Jesus set you free to live the amazing life that God has placed before you today! 

Lord - today we need a reminder that you are here with us.  Touch us with your power and your presence.  Amen.

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