Wednesday, September 22, 2010

God Delivers

Some days you're the bug and some days you're the windshield.  That statement may be somewhat cut and cliche but it's pretty accurate.  It appears that sometimes life goes great!  Like everything is wonderful and you're on top of the world.  You might get pelted with an unexpected turn every once in a while but all in all you're doing fine.  But other times you smack into a brick wall, or in this case a sheet of glass.  How do you react when you're up against a windshield?

There's a pretty neat passage from 1 Peter 5 that I read this morning that reminds me of this bug and windshield analogy.  It says Humble yourselves therefore under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.  

I really like that passage.  It seems to me that we have two ways to respond to the truth that good and bad stuff happens to us in life. We can fight the things we don't like an struggle like crazy only smearing ourselves all over the windshield.  Or we can accept what's happening as something God is using to strengthen our character.  I'm reminded of some of Paul's words that talk about perseverance building character and character building hope.

On the good days, when life just seems to be going right, humble yourself before the Lord or you might end up thinking that you made the day good.  Humble yourself under God's mighty hand willingly.  Trust that every good and perfect gift is from above.  But when life is crumbling apart and spiraling out of control humble yourself under his mighty hand.  Trust that he's working a great work in you through his Spirit.  He's preparing you for something greater than you could imagine. 

Hang tough!  Not on your convictions or on your hard work but on his cross.  When you've got nothing to hold onto but the cross and empty tomb, then you'll see the hand of God.  When we quit looking to our deepened resolve and personal strength to get us through the tough moments, then we'll see the life that God has in store for us.  When we simple rest in the shadow of the cross, trusting all that Jesus has done for us, then we'll be able to experience God lifting us up.  Then we'll experience deliverance like we've never felt before.

Lord - give me the strength today to hold tight to your promises and your truth.  I need you to lift me up when I've fallen and to walk with me when I'm upright.  In Jesus' name.  AMEN

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